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initial version
# encoding: utf-8
# module sliderPy
# no doc

# imports
import Boost.Python as __Boost_Python

# Variables with simple values

ACLineSegment = 0

Arc = 4

Branch = 2
Breaker = 3

Busbar = 1
BusbarSection = 2
BusEventAccessPoint = 24
BusNode = 0
BusNodeLeft = 26
BusShunt = 13

CenterAlign = 0

Circle = 5
CircularBusbar = 20

ConnectionPort = 50
ConnectivityNode = 1
Contour = 11

Dash = 61680
DashDot = 3848
DashDotDot = 61576

DCLine = 12

Disconnector = 12

Dot = 34952

Ellipse = 6

EnergyConsumer = 7

EventAccessPoint = 23

FACTSBranch = 26
FACTSRadial = 27
FACTSSeries = 15
FACTSShunt = 14

FitToPage = 2
FixedShunt = 5

Floater = 4

Fuse = 11

GeneratingUnit = 8
Generic = 0

GNEShunt = 6

Ground = 14
GroundDisconnector = 28

HiddenAlways = 1

Image = 8

InvalidAlignment = 3
InvalidComponentType = 12
InvalidPrintMode = 4
InvalidSymbolDefID = -1
InvalidSymbolType = 7
InvalidVisibility = -1

Jumper = 24

KneePoint = 1

Label = 9

LeftAlign = 1

Line = 2
Link = 3

Load = 2

Machine = 4
ManualDisconnector = 21

MeasurementFloater = 15
MeasurementGeneric = 16

MiddleAbove = 8
MiddleBelow = 9

ModelAccessPoint = 22
MotorDisconnector = 20

MultiPage = 1
MultiTermDLine = 17
MultiTermDLineEnd = 18
MutualCoupling = 29

Node = 5

NullPosition = -1

PieChart = 21

Planning = 3

Polygon = 10
Port1Above = 0
Port1Below = 1
Port2Above = 2
Port2Below = 3

Radial = 3

Rectangle = 7
RectifierInverter = 13
Reporting = 25

RightAlign = 2

SeriesCapacitor = 17
SeriesReactor = 18

ShuntCapacitor = 6
ShuntReactor = 9

Solid = -1

StaticVarCompensator = 22
StationSupply = 23

Substation = 10

Switch = 4

Symbol = 0

ThreeWindTransformer = 19

Transformer = 5
Triangle = 16

TWTransformer = 11

UnspecifiedDiagramType = 0

VisibleAlways = 0

VSCDCLine = 19

Worldview = 2


ZoomDependent = 2

# functions

def ExtractBValue(p_int, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown; NOTE: unreliably restored from __doc__ 
    ExtractBValue( (int)arg1) -> int :
        unsigned long ExtractBValue(unsigned long color)
        Returns the blue component of the specified COLORREF value

        C++ signature :
            unsigned long ExtractBValue(unsigned long)

def ExtractGValue(p_int, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown; NOTE: unreliably restored from __doc__ 
    ExtractGValue( (int)arg1) -> int :
        unsigned long ExtractGValue(unsigned long color)
        Returns the green component of the specified COLORREF value

        C++ signature :
            unsigned long ExtractGValue(unsigned long)

def ExtractRValue(p_int, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown; NOTE: unreliably restored from __doc__ 
    ExtractRValue( (int)arg1) -> int :
        unsigned long ExtractRValue(unsigned long color)
        Returns the red component of the specified COLORREF value

        C++ signature :
            unsigned long ExtractRValue(unsigned long)

def GetActiveDocument(): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
    GetActiveDocument() -> SldDocument :
        SldDocument GetActiveDocument()
        Returns the active SldDocument object

        C++ signature :
            class CPyWrapperDoc GetActiveDocument()
    return SldDocument

def GetExportDirectory(): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
    GetExportDirectory() -> str :
        string GetExportDirectory()
        Returns the current export file directory

        C++ signature :
            class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > GetExportDirectory()
    return ""

def GetImportDirectory(): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
    GetImportDirectory() -> str :
        string GetImportDirectory()
        Returns the current import file directory

        C++ signature :
            class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > GetImportDirectory()
    return ""

def GetImportFile(): # real signature unknown; restored from __doc__
    GetImportFile() -> str :
        string GetImportFile()
        Returns the current import file path

        C++ signature :
            class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > GetImportFile()
    return ""

def RGB(p_int, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown; NOTE: unreliably restored from __doc__ 
    RGB( (int)arg1, (int)arg2, (int)arg3) -> int :
        unsigned long RGB(int r, int g, int b)
        Returns the specified COLORREF value

        C++ signature :
            unsigned long RGB(int,int,int)

# classes

from ComponentType import ComponentType
from DiagramType import DiagramType
from LayerVisibility import LayerVisibility
from LineStyle import LineStyle
from LinkLabelPosition import LinkLabelPosition
from OdmsSymbolDefID import OdmsSymbolDefID
from PrintMode import PrintMode
from PsseSymbolDefID import PsseSymbolDefID
from SldObject import SldObject
from SldComponent import SldComponent
from SldPrimitive import SldPrimitive
from SldArc import SldArc
from SldSymbol import SldSymbol
from SldBranch import SldBranch
from SldBusbar import SldBusbar
from SldCircle import SldCircle
from SldContour import SldContour
from SldDiagram import SldDiagram
from SldDocument import SldDocument
from SldEllipse import SldEllipse
from SldFloater import SldFloater
from SldFont import SldFont
from SldFrameWnd import SldFrameWnd
from SldGroup import SldGroup
from SldKneePoint import SldKneePoint
from SldLabel import SldLabel
from SldLayer import SldLayer
from SldLine import SldLine
from SldLink import SldLink
from SldNode import SldNode
from SldPoint import SldPoint
from SldPolygon import SldPolygon
from SldPort import SldPort
from SldRadial import SldRadial
from SldRect import SldRect
from SldRectangle import SldRectangle
from SldSavedView import SldSavedView
from SldSymbolDef import SldSymbolDef
from SldView import SldView
from SymbolType import SymbolType
from TextAlignment import TextAlignment