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answered Feb 17 '15

Javier gravatar image


The procedure to perform small-signal analysis with NEVA-PSS/E is the following:

  1. Load ".sav" case.
  2. Run a power flow.
  3. load the dynamic file ".dyr"
  4. Press "Dynamics"->"Launch NEVA Eigenvalue analysis"

Please, note that you do don't have to convert the loads and generators as have to be done in time-domain simulations.

Once this is done, a folder with NEVA files will be created (NETOMAC files). NEVA will start automatically and yo will be able to obtain the eigenvalues of the linearized system. If NEVA does not start, you have to run it yourself and load the ".NID" case, which is in the new folder.

I don't have it in front of me now, but once you have loaded the file in NEVA, is easy, it should appear smth like "modal analysis" or "eigenvalues". If you press that button, the list of the eigenvalues is obtained.

I do not have LYSANS license, but it should be similar ("Dynamics"->"Build matrices for LYSANS program")
