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answered Dec 19 '14

jconto gravatar image

I have changed the code (example folder of the PSSe installation) to provide a tabular output format for voltage violations per each contingency tested. It works with acc file output by ACCC and N-1-1 runs. download the following code:C:\fakepath\accreports_v1.gif [rigth-click on the link and select to save it to your pc with an extension '.py']

Once downloaded, open it in a text editor, go to the end of the file and adjust the name of the acc file to be processed. Only report # 13 (Voltage Violations) will be exported in CSV format, ready for import into excel. (Other reports can be 'converted' to CSV output by a similar process done for report # 13.)

Yes, you need to adjust the voltage range in your .mon file so that it reflects the voltage limits in your case file. The "Use Emergency Voltage Limit" box does not work as expected and I believe it is a bug wanting to be solved.