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answered Aug 21 '14

ypwang gravatar image

I tried to use "ACCC_WITH_DSP_2" to allow unit inertia dispatch to compensate a lost generator (in .con file, I created 4 N-1 generator contingency). Note that somehow "ACCC_WITH_DSP_3" doesn't seem to work, since I got no print-outs for some of "print" commands after "ACCC_WITH_DSP_3" procedure, while everything was fine for version 2. I have no idea why this happened to me. But anyway, one thing I would like to confirm here is to check both before-ACCC and after-ACCC dispatch levels so that I know what exact changes occurred to each online generator. You know, to check this change, we can perform N-R power flow solution with inertia /governor dispatch using API called "INLF_2". However, I don't know to outage a machine in python before running "INLF_2". Well, based on my need, running "ACCC_WITH_DSP_2" with dispatch mode on would be a perfect choice for me. But the problem with "ACCC_WITH_DSP_2" with dispatch mode is that it does not provide me the new re-dispatched levels for online generators (maybe yes, but so far I haven't found any option in "ACCC_SOLUTION" can provide this info). After finish running "ACCC_WITH_DSP_2", I used "psspy.amachcplx(0, 4, 'PQGEN')" to fetch the current dispatch level of each generator to see if any changes occurred at least for the very last one-generator contingency I specified in the .con file fed into "ACCC_WITH_DSP_2". But no changes at all compared to the original base case generator levels. My guess is that between each contingency processed by "ACCC_WITH_DSP_2"',"ACCCWITHDSP_2"' automatically reset the "new" dispatched levels back to the original working case so that the next machine contingency can start from the same base point.

From the output of "ACCC_WITH_DSP_2"'s process, I noticed that every contingency actually had a generation dispatch amount either equal to or close to the real power of lost generator. So I am sure the ACCC with dispatch mode actually worked properly.