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answered Aug 20 '14

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I think that after tripping one generator in ACCC process generation from lost generator would be replaced by increased generation from swing bus, so balance between generation and load in the whole system will be correct and you should not get "blown up" type problems. One fast solution I can propose you try to change swing bus that it should be or the biggest unit in your system or some big hydro unit used to be fast reserve source in your system.

How to change production from all generators proportionally during ACCC process I didn't try to do by myself, but maybe you should start to investigate if it is possible not from analyzing API commands in python but trying to this from PSS/E. In ACCC dialog window I see option ''Dispatch mode" and it has options "Subsystem machines (Reserve)" and "Subsystem machines (Pmax)". Maybe this is what you are looking for. From documentation I found description for e.g. "Pmax" option as following:

Participating machines are connected to dispatch subsystem buses and have positive active power generation. Each machine's participation factor is its maximum active power generation with positive values. If a Unit Inertia and Governor Data file is specified, maximum machine active power limits are taken from it; otherwise, the maximum machine active power limits in the working case are used. PT is adjusted by the rules discussed in Dispatch Mode of Machine Reserve.

So you should go and dig deeper and find in documentation about format of Unit Inertia and Governor Data file mentioned before. If you will find that it works, than in python you will need probably acccwithdsp_3 (for PSSE 33) command.

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No.2 Revision

I think that after tripping of one generator in during ACCC process generation from lost generator would be replaced by increased generation from swing bus, so balance between generation and load in the whole system will be correct and you should not get "blown up" type problems. problem. One fast solution I can propose you to you is to try to change set up swing bus (type 3 instead of 2) that it should be or the biggest unit in your system or some big hydro unit used to be fast reserve source in your system.system. You can have many swing buses in the system, e.g. one per area.

How to change production from all generators proportionally during ACCC process I didn't try to do by myself, but maybe you should start to investigate if it is possible not from analyzing API commands in python but trying to do this from directly in PSS/E. In ACCC dialog window I see option ''Dispatch mode" and it has options "Subsystem machines (Reserve)" and "Subsystem machines (Pmax)". Maybe this is what you are looking for. From documentation I found description for e.g. "Pmax" option as following:

Participating machines are connected to dispatch subsystem buses and have positive active power generation. Each machine's participation factor is its maximum active power generation with positive values. If a Unit Inertia and Governor Data file is specified, maximum machine active power limits are taken from it; otherwise, the maximum machine active power limits in the working case are used. PT is adjusted by the rules discussed in Dispatch Mode of Machine Reserve.

So you should go and dig deeper and find in documentation about format of Unit Inertia and Governor Data file mentioned before. If you will find that it works, than in python you will need probably acccwithdsp_3 (for PSSE 33) command.