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PSSe allows the recording of activities to a python script. Activate the recording process, save it as a python script and execute the PSSe activities from the GUI: select PowerFlow-> Changing -> Scale Generation, Load -> all buses and made your changes in the form. press OK and then stop the recorder. In the savnw.sav case, I changed total system load from 3200 to 3400 MW python script:

psspy.scal2(0,1,2,[i,1,0,1,0],[ 3400.0, 3258.7,0.0,-600.0, 950.0,-.0, 1950.0])

repeat process for any other Psse activity that you want to have an equivalent python script for, including "solving the case"

PSSe allows the recording of activities to a python script. Activate the recording process, save it as a python script and execute the PSSe activities from the GUI: select PowerFlow-> Changing -> Scale Generation, Load -> all buses and made your changes in the form. press OK and then stop the recorder. In the savnw.sav case, I changed total system load from 3200 to 3400 MW python script:


psspy.scal_2(0,1,2,[_i,1,0,1,0],[ 3400.0, 3258.7,0.0,-600.0, 950.0,-.0, 1950.0])


repeat process for any other Psse activity that you want to have an equivalent python script for, including "solving the case"