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Here's code that reads the PSSE output file and evaluates the data for a specific condition.
#dyntools contains the CHNF class for extracting channel data from .out files
#the dyntools library comes with PSSE
from dyntools import CHNF as ChanFile
threshold = 5 #set this to desired limit
#outfiles is a list of outfile paths
outfiles = ["c:\\results\\myout1.out","c:\\results\\myout2.out"] #example
chnfall = ChanFile(outfiles)
#loop through outfiles
for outfile, clist in chnfall.chanid.iteritems():
#loop through channels of each outfile
for channelnum, channelname in clist.iteritems():
#the last channel is the 'time' channel. We're ignoring it
if channelnum <> 'time':
print "Channel " + str(channelnum) + channelname
if channelname == "gen1volt":
#extract channel data from channel.
#The CHNF class converts outfile names to lower case. Use the lower() function
yvals = chnfall.chandata[outfile.lower()][channelnum]
ymax = max(yvals)
if ymax > threshold:
print "Threshold exceeded"
#perform action as a result of exceeded threshold