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Next calculate the various constants.
A = dcs/(2.*np.sin(np.pi/nb)) # radius of a circle through the center of the bundled conductors in meters
GMrc = radc # radius of conductor in meters
GMRc = kc*radc
GMre = rade
GMRe = ke*rade # radius of earthwire in meters
GMrceq = (nb*GMrc*A**(nb-1.))**(1./nb) # GMR of equivalent conductor in meters
GMRceq = (nb*GMRc*A**(nb-1.))**(1./nb) # GMR of equivalent conductor in meters
Derc = 658.87*np.sqrt(rho/f)
h = np.e**(2j*np.pi/3)
H = np.array([(1, 1, 1),
(h**2, h, 1),
(h, h**2, 1)])
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Next calculate the various constants.relocated to single answer
A = dcs/(2.*np.sin(np.pi/nb)) # radius of a circle through the center of the bundled conductors in meters
GMrc = radc # radius of conductor in meters
GMRc = kc*radc
GMre = rade
GMRe = ke*rade # radius of earthwire in meters
GMrceq = (nb*GMrc*A**(nb-1.))**(1./nb) # GMR of equivalent conductor in meters
GMRceq = (nb*GMRc*A**(nb-1.))**(1./nb) # GMR of equivalent conductor in meters
Derc = 658.87*np.sqrt(rho/f)
h = np.e**(2j*np.pi/3)
H = np.array([(1, 1, 1),
(h**2, h, 1),
(h, h**2, 1)])