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maxmsm() Use this API to return the complex bus mismatch at the bus with the largest MVA mismatch.
Python syntax:
ierr, ibus, cmpval = maxmsm()
Integer IBUS Bus number of the bus with the largest MVA mismatch (output).
Real P Real component (MW) of the bus mismatch (output).
Real Q Reactive component (Mvar) of the bus mismatch (output).
Complex CMPVAL Complex bus mismatch (output).
Integer IERR Is the error code (output):
IERR = 0 No error; 'IBUS', and 'P' and 'Q' or 'CMPVAL' returned.
IERR = 1 No in-service buses found; 'IBUS' of 0, and 'P' and 'Q' of 0.0 or 'CMPVAL' of (0.0,0.0) returned.
busmsm(ibus=None) Use this API to return complex bus mismatch.
Python syntax:
ierr, cmpval = busmsm(ibus)
Integer IBUS Bus number (input).
Real P Real component (MW) of the bus mismatch (output).
Real Q Reactive component (Mvar) of the bus mismatch (output).
Complex CMPVAL Complex bus mismatch (output).
Integer IERR Is the error code (output):
IERR = 0 No error; 'P' and 'Q' or 'CMPVAL' returned.
IERR = 1 Bus not found; 'P' and 'Q' or 'CMPVAL' unchanged.
IERR = 2 Bus type code greater than 4; 'P' and 'Q' or 'CMPVAL' returned set to zero.
sysmsm() Use this API to return the total system MVA mismatch.
Python syntax:
mva = sysmsm()
Real MVA Total system MVA mismatch (output).