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It can be done using the sliderPy library

import sliderPy

def main():
    mydoc = sliderPy.GetActiveDocument()
    mydiagram = mydoc.GetDiagram()
    mycomponents = mydiagram.GetComponents()
    print str(len(mycomponents)) + " components found"
    i = 0
    for mycomponent in mycomponents:
        if mycomponent.IsSelected() == True:
            print 'Type: ' + str(mycomponent.GetComponentType())
            mylabels = mycomponent.GetOwnedLabels()
            print str(len(mylabels)) + ' labels found'
            j = 1
            for mylabel in mylabels:
                print 'Label ' + str(j) + ': ' + mylabel.GetText()
                print '\n'
                j += 1
        i += 1
        #if i == 10: break

    print str(i) + ' items searched'

if __name__ == '__main__':