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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

answered Mar 23 '12

chip gravatar image

I just wrote this a couple hours ago for a similar problem. So it can probably be cleaned up:

def get_next_free_busnum():
    get the next free bus number
    # find largest bus number
    sid = 1
    ierr = psspy.bsys(
            basekv=[0, 1000],

    ierr, all_buses = psspy.abusint(
    all_buses = all_buses[0]
    busnum = max(all_buses) + 1

    return busnum
click to hide/show revision 2
No.2 Revision

I just wrote this a couple hours ago for a similar problem. So it can probably be cleaned up:

def get_next_free_busnum():
    get the next free bus number
    # find largest bus number
    sid = 1
    ierr = psspy.bsys(
            basekv=[0, 1000],

    ierr, all_buses = psspy.abusint(
    all_buses = all_buses[0]
    busnum = max(all_buses) + 1

    return busnum

I guess you could do something smart like:

  busnum = min(set(range(15000)) - set(all_buses))
  # where 15000 is highest busnum you want to use

This will return 0, which I'm not sure is a valid number or not.

click to hide/show revision 3
Replaced "all bus subsystem" with the -1 shortcut

updated Mar 23 '12

JervisW gravatar image

I just wrote this a couple hours ago for a similar problem. So it can probably be cleaned up:

def get_next_free_busnum():
    get the next free bus number
    # find largest bus number
    sid = 1
    ierr = psspy.bsys(
            basekv=[0, 1000],

    ierr, all_buses = psspy.abusint(
sid=-1,    # all buses in the case.
    all_buses = all_buses[0]
    busnum = max(all_buses) + 1

    return busnum

I guess you could do something smart like:

  busnum = min(set(range(15000)) - set(all_buses))
  # where 15000 is highest busnum you want to use

This will return 0, which I'm not sure is a valid number or not.

click to hide/show revision 4
Transpose the resultant "all_buses" 2D array.

updated Mar 23 '12

JervisW gravatar image

I just wrote this a couple hours ago for a similar problem. So it can probably be cleaned up:

def get_next_free_busnum():
    get the next free bus number
    # find largest bus number

    ierr, all_buses = psspy.abusint(
            sid=-1,    # all buses in the case.
    # transpose from 2D array to 1D list.
    all_buses = all_buses[0]
    busnum = max(all_buses) + 1

    return busnum

I guess you could do something smart like:

  busnum = min(set(range(15000)) - set(all_buses))
  # where 15000 is highest busnum you want to use

This will return 0, which I'm not sure is a valid number or not.

click to hide/show revision 5
Check for all buses, not just in service.

updated Mar 23 '12

JervisW gravatar image

I just wrote this a couple hours ago for a similar problem. So it can probably be cleaned up:

def get_next_free_busnum():
    get the next free bus number
    # find largest bus number

    ierr, all_buses = psspy.abusint(
            sid=-1,    # all buses in the case.
flag=2,    # in-service and out-of-service buses
    # transpose from 2D array to 1D list.
    all_buses = zip(*all_buses)[0]
    busnum = max(all_buses) + 1

    return busnum

I guess you could do something smart like:

  busnum = min(set(range(15000)) - set(all_buses))
  # where 15000 is highest busnum you want to use

This will return 0, which I'm not sure is a valid number or not.