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answered Sep 27 '4

jconto gravatar image

For a frequency event playback outcome, the goal is to get network simulated frequency response matching measurements. Get the simulated frequency from a bus close to the station where frequency was recorded.

In your plots, Qg-measurement is flat, while Qg-simulated is not. In general, a flat Qg output is not good, because generators should provide voltage support to any disturbance in the network. Homework: check the metering system for that machine and confirm that it provide Q support for other events.

Recorded P & Q of a generator (usually scada, better if pmu data is available) can be consider to be the 'reference' value and the simulated P & Q of that machine be the variable value. You can tune the generator's exciter model by changing parameter values to match the Qg-simulated to the Qg-measurement response. You can use the erun test for this tuning exercise.

Lastly, the flat period in the simulation (0-5sec) for Pg is flat as expected but not for Qg. Perform a 10-sec flat run (no disturbance) to get flat lines on all variables. Tune models to get these flat lines as much as possible!