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initial version

All user defined models must be rewritten before usage in rev 36. See ReleaseNotes, Chapter 3.5.4.b-d.

The following is taken from the Manual:

*"• UDM will longer have direct access to PSS®E data structures (like bus voltage, model CON, ICON etc.) via COMON4.INS. Instead, UDM will access the PSS®E data structures through dedicated set of APIs (called pssdm API) which are documented in the PSS®E API manual. Starting PSS®E version 36, COMON4.INS will not be available for use in UDM.

• Pre-version 36 UDM must be converted to the new VINDP form. To do this, a Python based UDM converter is provided as part of the Environment Manager (EM) version 10.0 and above. Once the UDM is converted to the VINDP form, as before, the UDM code can be compiled and the dll can be created using the EM. This dll will be version independent, meaning that the dll can be used in PSS®E versions 36 and above as is without the need for recompilation of the UDM code."*


  1. Use Environment manager to convert to VINDP form.
  2. Replace WRITE(LPDEV,...) as described in section d.
  3. Replace WRITE(IPRT, ...) with:

    WRITE(DBUF01, ...)

    call reports(getiprt(),DBUF01,numberoflinesof_dbuf01)

    Everyone needing support in this matter should contact Siemens-PTI.

See also files uexsobsolete.for and uexsvindp.for in Example directory for an example on how user defined files should be converted.