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I guess in your case the machine model (GENSAL or GENSAE) is not good. The ESAC8B model behaves well in a simple SMIB test (machine at bus 2). Using a GENSAL model from the savnw data set, set inertia at 1.0, I did a flat run then a fault run and the plots came OK. dyr data used:
// smib.dyr
// infinite bus: bus 1
// test machine: bus 2
1 'GENCLS' 1 8.0 0.01 /
2,'GENSAL',1, 5.0,0.05,0.20,1.0,0.0,1.0,0.75,0.4,0.26,0.10,0.11,0.62,/
//2 'GENROU' 1 6 .05 1 .05 3 0 1.4 1.35 .3 .6 .2 .1 .03 .4 /
//2 'SEXS' 1 .1 .1 100 .1 0 3 /
2 'ESAC8B' 1 0.0 28.5 18.0 3.66 0.3E-01 1.0 0.0 27.19 0.0 0.72 1.0 1.0 0.0 1.2 0.0 /
//2 'TGOV1' 1 .05 .5 1. .3 1. 1. 0. /
//2, 'PSS2A',1, 1,0,3,0,5,1, 2,2,0.02,2,4,2,0.25 ,1,0.5,0.1,30,0.15,0.03,0.15,0.03,0.1,-0.1,/