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Use module pssarrays (or replacement module arrbox) to run faults and create results in dictionary format. Specific keyworks will help extracting data like (code below is modified from a related answer posted at "Retrieve ASCC result and process it in Python" by @perolofl):

 # - run in PSSe GUI
import pssarrays'savnw.sav')
psspy.bsys(0,0,[ 1., 500.],0,[],1,154,0,[],0,[])
rlst = pssarrays.ascc_currents(0,0,flt3ph=1)
f3ph = rlst.flt3ph[0].ia1
z1 = rlst.thevz[0].z1

To know what keywords to use on the 'rlst' variable, check the post "Where can i find the different functions that I can use to export data from PSSE to excel?" and apply it to the module 'arrbox'