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This is not described in the manual, but the internal variables for the load flow data of the tap changer is as follows:
NT = ABS(TAPNO(KNUM(KM))) ! Internal # of tap changer
IC = PQCONT(NT) ! Internal # of controlled bus
RMAX(NT) ! maximum ratio
RMIN(NT) ! minimum ratio
NTAPOS(NT) ! number of positions
VMAX(NT) ! maximum voltage
VMIN(NT) ! minimum voltage
WINDRP(NT) ! winding 1 ratio
The model shall use IT = 2 (metering model) and update the ratio in MODE=3.
Update variable WINDRP
to the new ratio when a tap changer operation is done by the model.
The matrices must be factorised with CALL FACTDS
whenever the ratio is changed by the model.