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answered Aug 1 '13

sheng gravatar image

As JervisW has commented, before you run a PV analysis, you will need to ensure that your base case is a valid load flow solution.

PV analysis is a load flow based method widely used to determine static voltage collapse points (also known as nose or critical points). The basic notion is to increment power transfers between a pair of pre-defined source (sending) and sink (receiving) areas till a termination criterion is met.

In static voltage stability analysis, the nose point is assumed to occur when the load flow Jacobian becomes singular, i.e. determinant is zero, and load flow fails to converge due to numerical difficulties. The termination criteria available in PSS/E PV analysis includes monitoring bus voltage magnitudes and/or branch loading etc. When these options are enabled, incrementing of power transfers stop when any limit is breached, which is usually way before the nose point. However it is common these options are not enabled and as such, PV analysis only terminates when load flow fails so as to determine the last good load flow solution before the nose point. If that is the case, it is perfectly normal that PSS/E prints convergence issues during analysis.

The purpose of generation and load conversion to their Norton equivalent is usually for dynamic analysis etc, and is not related to static analysis such as PV/QV.

Hope this helps.