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answered May 17 '3

Alex P gravatar image

Is it that the unwanted Vestas models are inside a dsusr.dll (or similar file) that someone else prepared? And you only have a snap file, but no dyre file?

You could try dropmodelprogram and the name of the model, though I've never used this api call. dropmodellibrary is similar, but it's for dropping whole dlls, not individual models (note that it requires the full file path to the dll)

Or maybe, after loading the snap file, write a dyre file use dyda. Buuut dyda isn't well supported by many user written models, so the resulting output might not work. So you might need to do a lot of manual corrections to the dyr file written by dyda. (To find errors, just try loading it with dyrenew and see what errors show up in the progress output.)
If you can get an acceptable dyr file without the unwanted models in it, you can then load it using dyre
read (not dyre_add). This should give you a 'dynamic model space' without the unwanted models.

Good luck!